Thursday, August 5, 2010

Squidoo - Writers Needed

Squidoo offers a place to publish your writing and earn royalties.
Writers worldwide can apply.

Squidoo is the popular publishing platform and community that makes it easy for you to create "lenses" online. Lenses are pages, kind of like flyers or signposts or overview articles, that gather everything you know about your topic of interest--and snap it all into focus. Like the lens of a camera, your perspective on something. (You're looking at a lens right now).

It's a supersimple, fun and powerful way to share your interests, build your online identity and credibility, and connect with new readers and friends. It's all free, and you could even earn a royalty for charity or yourself.

Because there's so much you can DO with Squidoo, we know it can get a little overwhelming when you're brand new and still poking around. So many different ways to make a page, different themes and colors and ... what was that about money?

So, while there's a ton more to know (and you'll figure it out over time, never fear) we wanted to put together this overview page for you. It's got some vocabulary, some examples, and a basic lowdown on what you can expect from Squidoo. If you look at the tabs up top, you'll see there's a lot more info here too, like our Terms of Service, a FAQ and more. No need to read it all, but good to reference back to over time.

I hope you'll feel comfortable poking around and exploring, and when you're ready, try making a "lens" of your own.
Join Here

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