Constant Content gives you an avenue to sell your work. Advertise articles, photographs, illustrations, and videos. You set the price and pay Constant Content a portion of your earnings. Open to the world.
Constant Content
Writer Guidelines
What We Want
Professionally written, concise articles that are free of all errors including sentence structure errors, grammar errors, and punctuation errors.
Professionally written articles include:
* Introductions and conclusions
* Useful information
Submissions Must Not Include:
* Poetry, fiction, op-eds, or first-person POV (Why Aren't Personal Accounts Allowed?)
* Promotional content
* Active linked web addresses - Please follow our protocol if you must include web addresses by removing the http://www prefix. Ex: (good), (bad) (Why Aren't Links Allowed?)
* Sig lines, bios, or author contact info
* Plagiarism*
Technical Submission Requirements:
* 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font
* The short summary must be an original description of the entire article, at least 30 words long
* A full 1/3 of the article must be excerpted in the long summary
*Plagiarism includes:
* Using text taken directly from another source and presenting this information as your own.
* Rewrites or partial rewrites of articles by other authors.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in immediate account suspension.
Constant Content seeks quality photographic images that appeal to website owners who want to illustrate written content or draw traffic to their websites.
Images most likely to appeal to buyers include illustrative photos like shots of specific locations (e.g., architecture and landmarks), multi-use photos to accompany commercial content (e.g., people who represent certain professions), and general photos that feature unusual perspectives on everyday things (e.g., a spilled glass of milk, cat’s-eye-views, or other original, creative depictions of places and items we see every day).
Constant Content does not want photos that are better suited to family photo albums, such as photos of pets, vacation photos, and home interiors.
Reasons for Photo Rejections Include:
* Poor quality photos - photos that are blurred, too light, too dark, or poorly composed
* “Family album” photos, as mentioned above
* Photos that are smaller than 1000 pixels in size
* Photos that contain embedded watermarks, copyright symbols, or timestamps
* Photos that have no artistic, aesthetic, editorial, stock, or editorial value to buyers
* Pornographic or content unfit for Constant Content
Photo Submissions Must:
* Be at least 1000 pixels in size
* Be submitted in JPEG or TIFF format
* Be good quality images that will appeal to buyers
Videos should be submitted as MPEG, WMV, AVI, and 3GP files.
Reasons for Video Rejections Include:
* Poor quality videos - videos that are blurred, too light, too dark, or poorly composed
* Videos that have no artistic, aesthetic, editorial, stock, or editorial value to buyers
* Pornographic or unfit for Constant Content
Vector images will be accepted.
* Images/Illustrations should be submitted as EPS files.
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