Wednesday, June 2, 2010

QualityGal - Hiring Writers

QualityGal hire Australians to write high quality content. Must have excellent US English and grammar skills. Good researching abilities also required.
Thank you for your interest in QualityGal! We are always looking for talented writers dedicated to producing the highest quality content. pays $12 or more per article. The amount we pay depends on a number of factors, most importantly the number of links included in the article. The maximum pay is $25 per article, and the maximum number of links in the article would be 70 links. Payment for completed and accepted articles is made each Friday through PayPal or check.

Please be sure you read and understand all of the following forms. You will be held responsible for the information contained within, additional reading information is under each separate application by number.
Apply to Write for QualityGal

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